Verbs in Agreement Worksheet

Are you struggling with verbs in agreement? Fear not, there are worksheets available to help you master this grammar rule. Verbs in agreement refer to the fact that the form of the verb must match the subject in number, whether it is singular or plural.

The verbs in agreement worksheet is an effective tool for students, writers, and anyone who wants to improve their grammar skills. It includes a variety of exercises to help you practice using verbs in agreement correctly.

The worksheet typically contains different types of sentences, and you must choose the appropriate verb to complete each sentence. This exercise helps reinforce the rule that verbs must agree in number with their subjects.

For example, consider the sentence: “The dog barks at the mailman.” In this sentence, “dog” is the subject and “barks” is the verb. Since “dog” is singular, the verb must also be singular, or “barks.”

In contrast, if the sentence is “The dogs bark at the mailman,” the subject “dogs” is plural, and the verb “bark” must also be plural to agree with the subject.

Another example is the sentence “She write a letter to her friend.” In this sentence, the verb “write” must be corrected to “writes” to match the singular subject “she.”

Verbs in agreement worksheets typically also cover irregular verbs, where the verb form does not follow the standard pattern. For example, the verb “to be” is irregular, and its forms change depending on the subject.

For example, “I am,” “he is,” “she is,” “it is,” and “they are” are all correct forms of the verb “to be.” In contrast, “I is” or “he are” are incorrect and violate the rule of verbs in agreement.

In conclusion, the verbs in agreement worksheet is an essential tool for anyone who wants to improve their grammar skills. By using the worksheet to practice using verbs in agreement, you can strengthen your writing and communication skills. Take the time to master this fundamental grammar rule, and you will be on your way to becoming a proficient writer and communicator.